It's not about the results, it's about the COMMITMENT .

Take the first step and manage your PTSD symptoms. Gain camaraderie and accountability while doing something you may have never done before. It's not about the results, it's about the commitment.

Complete the training, change how you treat yourself. Feed your body and feed your soul. If you do the work, you will see the results.
What do YOU want for your next part of your life? Start a business? Join a new industry? What are the next steps? What do you do now? We can help answer that for you.

You hold the power to create the life you choose. With support and commitment, you will be able to expand your opportunities.

As a veteran, you committed to your country. Now it is time to commit to YOURSELF.
Mind and Body Go
Hand in Hand
Seeing clearly helps with your own trajectory. What are you willing to do for yourself, after being willing to die for your country. YOU are worth more.

Online Community
Join a new online community of like-minded individuals along the same path. Utilize each others experiences to better answer "what do I do next?"
Business tools
Want to start a new business or enter into a new field? Access information portals to better assist with the next steps in your dreams and goals.
(Coming Soon)
Get inspired and listen to interviews with others who have sat where you have sat, and created a new version of themselves post service.
Achieve Your Goals
Create your own plan for making "You 2.0" and achieve your goals.
Endurance Sports
Choose an obtainable goal that creates focus and milestones for success. Enjoy the journey and culmination of your hard work, both physical and mental.
Create a personal goal, break down training with your brothers/sisters in arms. Regain the teamwork mentality while increasing your physical well-being.
Discuss your nutrition with a licensed nutritionist. Proper nutrition helps with not only with athletic stamina, but can assist in decreasing daily joint pains (costs may apply)
Peer Accountability
Hold others accountable while they hold you accountable for your goals. Celebrate achievements, creating a new network supporting your progress.
Additional Services

Converse with like-minded people, collaborate on goals, enable teamwork, expand your network.

Hear from business leaders, expand your knowledge of options and processes, understand your own "next steps" on your path to You, 2.0.

Create both a personal and professional networks towards You, 2.0.